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Dobrý pastier
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Ikona Krista
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Kristus Nie rukotvorený
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Kristus Zenich
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Kristus Emmanuel
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Kristus Pantokrator
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Kristus Pantokrator
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Kristus Spasiteľ
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Kristus Spasiteľ
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Kristus Spasiteľ
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Kristus Pantokrator
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Kristus Spasiteľ
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Kristus Spasiteľ
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Kristus na tróne
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Kristus na tróne s Martou
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Kristus dobrý pastier
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Kristus Nie rukou vytvorený
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Kristus Pantokrator
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Kristus Pantokrator 10
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Kristus Pantokrator 11
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Kristus Pantokrator 12
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Kristus Pantokrator 8
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Kristus Pantokrator 9
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Kristus a svätý Menas
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Kristus ženích
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Neplač nado mnou Matka
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Nie rukou vytvorený obraz Krista
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Pantokrator Sinajský
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Spasiteľ Nie rukou vytvorený
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Spasiteľ v silách
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Ukladanie do hrobu
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Uloženie do hrobu
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Ulozenie do hrobu
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Kristus nierukouvytvorený
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Kristus Pantokrator
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Kristus Pantokrator 2
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Kristus Pantokrator 3
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Kristus Pantokrator 6
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Kristus Pantokrator 7
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Kristus Pantokrator 5
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